Kfar Chabad Trade School, 1956

Kfar Chabad, Israel
8 May, 1956

At eight pm, the 28 students of the Kfar Chabad Trade School were in the middle of the evening prayer service. Suddenly the lights went out. The sound of gunfire split the air. Some children struggled to flee through a window while others dropped to the floor. One 13 year old tried to evacuate some of his wounded friends, asking them to stop yelling in case the terrorists were still nearby. They did their best to comply, despite the terrible pain from their wounds. (COL)

Three Palestinian terrorists had crossed the border into Israel from Egypt. While one waited in the car, another cut the power to the building and a third open-fired on the children in the synagogue.

When the lights turned back on, dead students lay in puddles of their own blood. Four students and one counselor were killed. A sixth later died from his wounds.


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