950 Jews in Rakov, 1942

Rakov, Belarus
4 February 1942

The Jews of Rakov were driven into the Koholodnaya Synagogue. They were forced to undress, robbed and beaten. The Germans poured gasoline over the building and ignited it with grenades. 950 people were burned to death in the Rakov synagogue.

L. Shaus wrote that "In the shtetl of Rakov they herded 900 Jews into the synagogue and burned them to death. Anyone who tried to escape from the fire was shot with submachine guns." (The Untold Stories)

Another testimony expands on the events:
"The entire Jewish community, 950 souls, was put in the yard of the synagogue. They took ten of the healthiest people and separated them. The rest were taken group by group to the entrance of the synagogue, where they were shot and killed by automatic machine guns. The ten separated people were ordered to throw the individual bodies in the synagogue. As soon as the last of the people were thrown in the synagogue, the ten people were pushed inside without shooting them. They shot the building and set it afire and everyone was burned to death." (Rakov Under Nazi Occupation)


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